"This Government has been working towards reform. I have been impressed and I have always said so . . . I know that the Cabinet has approved the principles for the repeal of Posa (Public Order and Security Act) and has been discussing repeal of AIPPA (Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act) and those are all very positive things," said USA Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Brian Nichols.
There has been no meaningful progress to talk about here. “Working towards reform” is about as vague as one can put it! If Ambassador Nichols is hoping that by praising the regime for doing nothing he will encourage it to do something, he is in for a big disappointment. The regime will no doubt be asking the Americans for sanctions to be lifted and generous lines of credit, its reward for “working towards reforms”!
Zanu PF will drag its feet on implementing the democratic reforms necessary for free, fair and credible election. Its aim is to run down the clock to 2023 elections so the party can rig those elections and extend its stay in power.
The only sure way to get all the democratic reforms implemented to guarantee free, fair and credible elections in 2023 is to force Zanu PF to step down. The party has no democratic mandate to govern because it rigged last July’s elections.
We are after a solution to end Zimbabwe's nightmare and not a gimmick. Praising Zanu PF for doing nothing is a gimmick!
By Jeff Kurai Chakanyuka
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