Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa won the election result court challenge against opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, MDC Aliiance.Since the elections were non-violent, but not free and fair, the violence erupted after the public questioned the result. We were optimistic, but should we remain optimistic while incumbents retain power. Levitsky and Way’s “four arenas of contestation”: 1. The electoral arena; 2. Legislative arena; 3. The judicial arena; 4.the media arena. Mnangagwa’s new regime has proven to be in control of all four arenas of contestation during this election period. When Mugabe got in power we had a transitional period which proved to be misleading. Now we know transition does mean democracy and Zanu–PF is a non-democratic hegemony. Mnangagwa is an iron fist in a velvet glove. The US sanctions of top Znau-PF members, including Mnangagwa is applauded.
By Jeff
Kurai Chakanyuka