There is a growing hunger by an ever-increasing pool of Zimbabweans to engage in serious debate and search for the country’s way out of this hell-on-earth mess the nation finds itself in.
Mnangagwa is a corrupt, incompetent and murderous tyrant who thinks he can deliver democracy and yet still hold on to the dictatorship.
“The hunger for power and its subsequent misuse, even above national interest and institutions, is what has been at the centre of Zimbabwe's decline,” writes Gwede.
“Yet, there appears to be some belief that change can occur without addressing this fault.
“Events since November through to the July election can testify to how the "new" ruling circle represents that rule-less politics.”
“Yet, there appears to be some belief that change can occur without addressing this fault.
“Events since November through to the July election can testify to how the "new" ruling circle represents that rule-less politics.”
Actually, the Zanu PF leaders’ love of absolute power and the blind pursuit of power regardless of the consequences goes back to the formative days of the party itself. It is no secret that Mugabe and his fellow nationalist have always wanted to impose a one-party state for no other reason than that it was the only political system that would guarantee absolute power for themselves.
Yes, Mugabe and the rest in Zanu PF started off, in the fight to end white colonial rule, with “One person, one vote!” Of course, they knew that they could not have their one-party state and still have “One person, one vote!” They ditched the latter!
When the Lancaster House Constitution imposed the multi-party democratic system on the country, Mugabe and his Zanu PF cronies set out to achieve the de facto one-party dictatorship by foul means; the systematic undermining of the democratic institutions, Gukurahundi massacre which force PF Zapu to join Zanu PF, etc.
Ruling political elites assume themselves to have an infinite and inexhaustible anointment to rule the country by virtue of (an otherwise heroic national contribution of) being former liberation war fighters.
Zimbabwe can achieve economic prosperity without freedom and naïve and insane.
Zimbabwe is in this economic and political mess because for 38 years we have allowed Zanu PF to deny us a meaningful say in the governance of the country in the vain hope the regime will deliver economic prosperity. Of course, it is insane to still hold on to the foolish notion that corrupt, vote rigging and murderous tyrants like Mnangagwa will bring economic prosperity even after 38 years of failing to do so!
As long as the people cannot hold those governing them to democratic account the latter will, more often than not, always act in their selfish interest.
By Jeff Kurai Chakanyuka